The Frog Gets "Greener"

Posted 3:53 AM by   in Labels:
How you can support your favorite charity and help save the planet one bag at a time.

Yes, The Funky Frog has always been green, from the color of his skin to the recycling of your children's items. The Frog is stepping up our efforts to save Mother Earth. We implemented some simple changes in the store such as reusing clean grocery and shopping bags to return your unsold item to consignors, recycling any plastic or drycleaner hangers you bring in and separating our paper waste for recycling - which has reduced our garbage from 2-3 bags a week to just ONE bag each 2 weeks!

If you have clean, plastic or paper, grocery, shopping or gift bags and would like to donate them to our store, please drop them by the Frog anytime we are open.

Thanks for recycling.

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