Customer's Testimonials

Posted 8:19 AM by   in Labels: ,
I just love our customers!

They have been so very supportive. I wanted to share some of the great comments. Each and every one of them makes my day and keeps me motivated to bring you the best children's consignment in Oakland County!

Best wishes for your new store. I know you are putting in long hours to make the Funky Frog work. I wish you much success. See you soon. God bless you for giving it your all. Gina H.

Thanks, Renee! You are doing a great job! I love the new energy at the Frog:). Kristin D.

Congratulations on your new purchase of the coolest resale shop around! Shari N.
Hello ladies! I am THRILLED to hear the Frog lives on! As a supporter of the shop since the days when it was owned by Shawn, I was deeply saddened to hear it might not survive....Best of luck to you both in your new venture. I look forward to hearing more soon! Julie V.

I'm so happy for you both, congratulations on your new business! I love shopping at the Funky Frog, and I'll stop by soon to shop and see one or both of you! Nancy D.
Have already spread the word to my friends who are excited about seeing the old Frog back in action! Kim K.

I'm SO excited! This was the only resale shop that I would frequent on a regular basis- Congratulations on this undertaking and I look forward to meeting you both! Thank you!I'll be in soon with some things to sell and buy :-)Nancy R.

Yippee! I'm so glad FF will live on. I always find something for my 5 year old daughter..Thayer G.

This is great news. Congratulations to both of you. I enjoy the shop and will certainly stop by in the next few weeks to check things out. Kim B.

I am glad to see that the store won't close...I have 3 little ones - because I really do enjoy finding those great finds. Good luck in your endeavor! Teresa P.

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