Posted 7:34 PM by   in

The i9 Sports Experience

An Experience Beyond The Game              

To achieve our mission of helping kids succeed in life through sports, we believe the value we provide must go far beyond the sport itself. It must be about more than the rules of the game. About more than who plays what position. About more than the score.
We focus on how the game is played, how much fun we can make it for the kids, and how easy we can make it for the parents. i9 Sports offers an alternative to the disorganized, hyper-competitive, win-at-all-cost culture that pervades most youth sports programs today through a customer experience that delivers fun, safety, and convenience:
For Kids: We provide a fun, safe experience, in which kids can learn basic athletic skills, learn good sportsmanship, and increase their self-esteem.
For Parents: We provide a convenient, well organized program that doesn’t consume their family’s life.

For more information

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